Monday, August 15, 2005

The Man From KELTRON

Im sure most guys who blog , can identify wih me when I say that I suffer from BLOGGERS BLOCK. Well even if I have only put up like 5 posts in my entire life that should be no reason why I cant be afflicted by the dreaded disease.

So I start thinking( yes im quite capable of the process, contrary to the popular misconception.) and so I decide to write about people. People who we see around us but are different in their own individual way.

I did my project at this place called KELTRON. A typical goverment facility with the high green walls and green buidings that are covered in moss and probably havent seen a do over in the last decade or so. As I like to believe, a relic of our admiration for the socialist way of life. A place still stuck in a time warp of forgotten , better yet, nostalgic pride at being a place of importance. Time passed and inherrent flaws of logic changed the place into a dump for the complacent and the inefficient . Acres of cardinal callousness. In the midst of all this decadence I wonder at this strange , out of place man , who goes through life in search of something that i find incomprehensible. What i find strange about this man is not just his dedication and impeccable work culture but that it thrives in a place that we have heard ,stifles such curious phenomenon.

We all search for excuses. Excuses for what we could not be. excuses for what we are . The easiest of all being I am what I am because of all around me . Its tough to have principles and even tougher to live by them . With all these pressures we really dont have much choice. True freedom is in most times is but an illusion.

Yet what seemed impossible to me was being done by a man not very different from anyone one of us.
Everyday, day after day , he fights against a way of life that we have taken for granted. The amount of perseverance and discipline that it must involve I can not even fathom.

He comes in early. Earlier than anybody else in that entire complex . He is on his chair 15 minutes before the siren goes of at 8.30. From that point he is a one man army until the place closes up at 4.30. Even if there is no work tobe done he sits there till the time the bus leaves. in between there are no breaks , no chit chat, nothing.

According to my estimate in just two months he works on 400 ignorant buggers like myself .That is one hell of a span of control . At the standard rate of the per project sum that the students pay he is generating something close to 13 lakhs. one person churning that kind of money is soemthing incredible.

What he really taught me in the short period that I was there was not how to make a gps system but something that was fundamentally much simpler than that . its just that people are inherently the same but something differentiates one from another.

All men are equal , but some more equal than others.


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