Wednesday, June 28, 2006

The Beast

i walk through my forest with a prayer in my heart
blissful paradise born of the truly ignorant

my heart skips a beat , stops , goes crazy
does my eyes lie?
is that a beast ahead?
dangerous and fearful , uncertainity
its a race in insanity - heart or mind
fight , run , act dead , oh god such indecision.

to fight means blood , his , mine , both

foolish heart - what does he know?
what chance have i against this mighty beast ?
i will be crushed , torn and thrown to the winds.
i am too young to die..what do i know of life yet?
go back..return..come back to fight another day.
not today , not now.

foolish mind - what does he know?
where is the honour? where is the love?
i will battle this storm and emerge as my hero
i walk away today and i will never know whose blood
i will live cause indeed life goes on
but i will never know what could have been.
i will use all i have and fight a fight that has never been fought before.
i will fight only to win. to win what is mine.

foolish heart, foolish mind - what do they know?
stand , lay still , do not move.
do not breathe , not a single breath
the beast will move on.
taking with it the ignominy of defeat
i am a wise man of this world
heed my advice for i speak this world's language.

lo behold wise he is indeed
for there goes the beast
with him goes my nightmare
with him goes my dream

my dream , my dream
somebody stop that beast
i want my dream
nay , i need my dream

the beast walks on
unheeding my calls , my pleas
and i walk on through my forest
with a prayer in my heart and hope in my soul


At 1:59 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yowzaaa! Poetry? And that too stuff like this? Impressed:)

At 2:46 AM, Blogger Yasser Rahman said...

neat piece :) keep writting ;)

At 2:52 AM, Blogger Gayatri Bhadran said...

bravo..! all hail d new age shakespeare..

*bows down wid respect*

At 6:33 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

well, i seem to understand very little of the lines that i read !!!! but watever that was, it sounds amazing bro !!!!!!! good job !!!!!! keep up the good work !!!!!

At 12:34 AM, Blogger dor said...

my my.. somebody is goin thru a poetic stage.. cool..

At 3:10 AM, Blogger Amit said...

Oh my God!!! Whats with all the 'beholdens' and the 'nays'!! What the hell happened? Who are you and where is my friend ajay? The dumb guy i mean... ;)

Anyways, nice poem..and i'm more shocked right now than anything post one poem, i can believe it was a one off event..but now its two! and in succession too!! Is this the beginning of something?

At 3:44 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Which beast r u talkin abt mahn???
Is it the maiden mascot Eddie - the beast???
Ru inspired by the date 06/06/06 - da number of the beast 666
Ru a fan of the awesum heavy metal record from the gods????

Anyways nice try

At 9:28 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

whoa! u just getting better and better...very well written...which beast did u have in mind??:-)

At 11:47 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Here are some links that I believe will be interested

At 2:21 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I really enjoyed looking at your site, I found it very helpful indeed, keep up the good work.


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