Screw It
The world loves screw-ups. Mostly cause they provide a certain vital function . They provide a smug satisfaction to the rest of humanity. Even Gandhi knew the value of a screw up. When u feel that u have reached your lowest low and think that the world couldnt possibly get anyworse just take a look at the poorest man u can find. One who doesnt have a roof over his head or food in his stomach. Well these werent the exact words but for now it'll suffice. They are the refernce point to justify the worth of our own existence.
Mothers use screw ups as the figurative equivalent of a whip. Son , study well and do well in your exams otherwise u will end up like Uncle Bob. Poor Uncle Bob, Bobbie boy here just became the kids boogey man. Nyways the point being that screw up's define what all of us fear : Failure.
They are the ones who have failed so many times that they sort of became synonymous with the result of their choices.
Through most of my life i have been the "good son" or the "good student" or the "good citizen" or whatever title that my conformist behavior could possibly bestow on me . And probably thats y that as far i can remember i have been drawn towards the "screw up". Their faces and names might change but what they stood for never did.
They were the ones who did what i couldnt. Question the basis and veracity of the rules that bound our lives. All of us know that we have to drive on the left but they asked y not the right.
And that pretty much sums up the whole thing. It is dangerous to drive on the right , thats y.
Most of the times their ways of questioning might border on utter stupidity but nevertheless if they don't do it nobody else will. And rules are always made by somebody for everybody else.
If one thinks that all rules are fair id say that would be very naive. With their prodding of the lines that limit our existence they do us a favor by making us realise how far we can go.
My definition of a screw up might seem very similar to rebel . Well most times a screw up is rebel who just fell flat on his face.
again too lazy to sign in, its the zog. screw ups were on my mind too this week. the funny thing is no matter how my mom makes it sound those guys are much happier than she is. They're sorta alive in this fourth dimension that u can't even touch with ur finger. and they're enjoying every minute of it.
who is to who fell on who's face??for all u know "the screw-up"is just laughin back at ur face.....he has got the liberty tht us "conformists" don't....he jus got outta the rut..
I liked the way you ended the blog. Reminds me of the Edison story when he was asked about his failing 1000 times before he created the light bulb. He retorted that he had actually discovered 1000 ways how not to build a light bulb. A guy who's never failed probably never tried anything in his life...
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